Our Scorecard

How did we rate in 2023?

What is the Electricity Distributor Scorecard?

The Ontario Energy Board has been working with all local electricity distribution companies in the province to create a scorecard that illustrates how well Ontario’s utilities are performing each year. Ontario’s electricity utilities will report their scorecard performance results annually, and make the results available to the public on their websites. Lakeland Power Distribution Ltd. posted its results on September 1, 2024 (showing the year 2023), which are available on both the Ontario Energy Board’s (OEB) and Lakeland Power websites.

The scorecard is a tool for consumers to use to assess the value of the service they receive from their electricity utility. For example:

  • When service appointments are booked with my utility, how often did they show up on time?
  • How often did my power go out, and how long did the utility take to fix the problem and restore power?
  • How successful is my utility at issuing accurate bills?
  • Did my utility answer phone calls from customers in a timely way?